1. OLD BLACK JOE 11-6-35 (Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson, Curtis Arnall, Blane Cordner, The Vass Family)
4. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET 1-22-36 Wednesday 5:00-5:30 pm (Jack Roseleigh, Helen Claire, Alice Davenport, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
5. OLD DAN TUCKER 1-29-36 (Jack Roseleigh, Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Walter Soderling, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
(Vivia Ogden, Jack Roseleigh, Helen Claire, Curtis Arnall, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Ethel Park Richardson,. The Vass Family)
7. THE ROSARY 2-12-36 Wednesday 5:00-5:30 pm BLUE NETWORK
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Helen Dumas, Milton Herman, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
8. CARRY ME BACK TO OLE VIRGINNY 2-19-36 Wednesday 5:00-5:30 pm
(Juano Hernandez, Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Helen Dumas, Milton Herman, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
9. COMIN' THROUGH THE RYE 2-26-36 Wednesday 5:00-5:30 pm (Curtis Arnall, Elsie Mae Gordon, Jack Roseleigh, Margaret MacLaren, Walter Tetley, Ethel Park Rivhardson, The Vass Family)
10. KINGDOM COMIN' 3-16-36 Monday 9:30-10:0 RED NETWORK
(Curtis Arnal, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, John Hamilton, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
11. LITTLE BOY BLUE 3-23-36 Monday 9:30-10:00 RED NETWORK
(Jack Roseleigh, Alice Davenport, Curtis Arnall, Ann Sheridan, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
12. LI'L LIZA JANE 3-30-36 Monday 9:30-10:00 RED NETWORK
(Helen Claire, Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Vass Family, Bradley Barker, Ethel Park Richardson)
13. THE GYPSY'S WARNING 4-6-36 Monday 9:30-10:00 pm RED NETWORK
(Curtiss Arnall, Helen Claire, Florence Malone, Jack Roseleigh, Virginia Vass, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
14. THE BIRD ON NELLIE'S HAT 4-13-36 Monday 8:00-8:30 pm RED NETWORK
(Helen Claire, Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
15. STEAMBOAT BILL 4-20-36
16. LONG, LONG AGO 4-26-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 p.m.
(Florence Malone, Alice Davenport, Curtiss Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson, Vass Family)
17. THE LOW BACKED CAR 5-3-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Joe Lathan, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
18. DE BIG 'SSOCIATION 5-11-36 Monday 9:30-10:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Charles Cantor, Emmett Kennedy, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
19. MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME, GOOD NIGHT 5-18-36 Monday 9:30-10:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Helen Claire, Charles Cantor, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
20. A PAPER OF PINS 5-25-36 Monday 9:30-10:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
21. THE BLUE AND THE GRAY 6-1-36 Monday 9:30-10:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
22. SAM BASS 6-8-36 Monday 8:00-8:30 pm (Texas Centennial Program)
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Jackie Kelk, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
22-a. I LOVE MY ROOSTER 6-8-36 8:10-8:30 Monday
(Parker Fennelly, Ethel Park Richardson, Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, The Vass Family)
23. WEEVILY WHEAT 6-21-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
24. ALICE, WHERE ART THOU? 7-12-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Eunice Howard, Percy Hemus, Bud Collyer, Estelle Levy, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
25. THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD 7-19-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, John Milton, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
26. unknown
27. JEANNIE WITH THE LIGHT BROWN HAIR 8-2-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Jack Roseleigh, John Mitchell, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
28. LA PALOMA 8-9-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Alice Reinhart, Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Bud Collyer, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
29. THE LOST CHORD 8-16-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Eleanor Phelps, Bud Collyer, Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
30. SING ME AN OLD MOUNTAIN HEART-THROB 8-23-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 p.m.
(Rosemary DeKalb, Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Warren Mills, Katherine Allen, Ethel Park Richardson, Vass Family)
32. unknown
33. WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME 9-13-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Curtiss Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Bud Collyer, Al Swenson, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
34. LOVE'S OLD SWEET SONG 9-2-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Helen Claire, Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
35. THE LORELEI 9-27-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Jackie Kelk, Katherine Allen, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
36. RED RIVER VALLEY 10-4-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
37. PUT ON YOUR OLD GRAY BONNET 10-11-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Vivia Ogden, Alice Davenport, Bud Collyer, Helen Brown, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
38. unknown
39. TOLL DE BELL, ANGEL 10-25-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Ray Collins, Curtis Arnall, Bud Collyer, Jack Roseleigh, Marion Randolph Allen, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
39-a. LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT 11-1-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm
(Alice Reinhart, Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Bud Collyer, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
40. unknown
41. DUNA 11-15-36 Sunday 10:30-11:00 pm (NBC's 10th anniversary)
(Curtis Arnall, Mitzi Gould, Jack Roseleigh, Cecil Secrest, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Katherine Allen, Jimmy Allen, The Vass Family)
42. unknown
43. unknown
44. HOME, SWEET HOME 12-13-36 Sunday 8:30-9:00 pm
(Ethel Park Richardson, Jack Roseleigh, Emily Vass, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Curtis Arnall, Frank Wilson, Sally Vass, Virginia Vass, Frank Vass, Louisa Vass)
45. RING MERRILY, BELLS 12-20-36 Sunday 8:30-9:00 pm
(Jack Roseleigh, Curtis Arnall, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Mark Smith, Katherine Allen, Jimmie Allen, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
46. THE IVY AND THE HOLLY 12-27-36 Sunday 8:30-9:00 pm
(John Anthony, Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson, Curtis Arnall, The Vass Family)
47. THE MAN ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE 1-3-37 Friday 8:30-9:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
48. THE CHARMING YOUNG WIDOW I MET ON THE TRAIN 1-10-37 Sunday 8:30-9:00
(Helen Claire, Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Charles Cantor, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
49. unknown
50. unknown
51. WHERE IS MY BOY TONIGHT? 2-23-37 Tuesday 11:30-12:00 Midnight
(Curtis Arnall, Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson)
52. WHEN THE WHITE AZALEAS START BLOOMING 3-9-37 Tuesday 11:30-12:00
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Irene Hubbard, Jackie Kelk, Charles Cantor, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
53. RYE WHISKEY 3-16-37 Tuesday 12:00-12:30 a.m.
(Juano Hernandez, Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Jack Roseleigh, Chrles Cantor, Lawson Zerbe, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
54. THE LITTLE BROWN JUG 3-23-37 Tuesday 11:30-12:00 Midnight
(Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson, Curtis Arnall, Frank Vass, Jackie Kelk, Jimmie Allen, Helen Claire, John Mitchell, Charles Cantor, The Vass Family)
55. PALE MOON 3-30-37 Tuesday 11:30-12:00 Midnight
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Clare, Jack Roseleigh, Ethel Park Richardson)
56. AULD LANG SYNE 4-11-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Fred Lewis, John Milton, Mark Smith, Jimmie Allen, Tommy Hughes, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
57. unknown
58. unknown
59. LONG, LONG AGO 5-2-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Irene Hubbard, Fred Lewis, Charles Canton, Gerald Macy, The Vass Family)
60. ROBIN HOOD AND THE PRINCE OF ARAGON 5-16-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Allan Bunce, Fred Irving Lewis, Gerald Macy, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
61. IF YOU'RE EVER A-GOIN' TO LOVE ME 5-23-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 pm
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, John Milton, James Meehan, Eddie Ryan, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
62. BEAUTIFUL DREAMER 6-6-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Helen Claire, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Emmett Kennedy, Virginia Vass, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
(Curtis Arnall, Pauline McClaine, Fred Irving Lewis, Gerald Macy, Helen Claire, Katherineand Jimmie Allen, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
64. A RICH IRISH LADY 6-20-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Ethel Park Richardson, Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Gerald Macy, Fred Irving Lewis, The Vass Family)
65. WHAT ARE THE WILD WAVES SAYING? 6-27-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, Fred Irving Lewis, Eddie Wragge, Gerald Macy, Artels Dixon, Russell Collins, Ethel Park Richardson, Virginia Vass, The Vass Family)
66. I'LL BE ALL SMILES TONIGHT 7-4-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Geoffrey Bryant, Helen Claire, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
67. unknown
68. THE LADY CLARE 7-18-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m. RED NETWORK
(Irene Hubbard, Fred Irving Lewis, John Anthony, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
69. TWO LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE 7-25-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Helen Claire, Curtis Arnall, Eunice Howard, Laddie Seaman, Geoffrey Bryant, Jimmie Allen, Eddie Ryan, Warren Mills, Virgina Vass, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
70. MY BABY IN A GUINEA-BLUE GOWN 8-1-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Juano Hernandez, Adelyn Hood, Helen Claire, Artells Dixon, Ethel Park Richardson, Frank Wilson, Gerald Macy, The Vass Family, Emmett Kennedy)
71. unknown
72. MEET ME TONIGHT IN DREAMLAND 8-15-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Curtis Arnall, Helen Claire, John Anthony, Fred Irving Lewis, Thomas Coffin Cook, Gerald Macy, Geoffrey Bryant, The Vass Family)
(An adaptation of Ethel Park Richardson's play, The Bridge to Dreamland)
73. SOURWOOD MOUNTAIN 8-22-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00 p.m.
(Geoffrey Bryant, Helen Claire, John Hamilton, Thomas Coffin Cook, Frank Vass, Texas Jim Robertson, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
(An adaptation of Paul Jordan Smith's novel, Nomad)
74. WHEN THE LIGHTS ARE LOW 8-29-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00
(Walter Tetley, John Anthony, Irene Hubbard, Curtis Arnall, Ethel Park Richardson, The Vass Family)
(An adaptation of Ethel Park Richardson's "Slim--The Boy With the Twisted Foot")
75. BONNIE DUNDEE 9-5-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00
(John Anthony, Helen Claire, Curtis Arnall, Clayton "Bud" Collyer, Fred Irving Lewis, John Wheele, Texas Jim Robertson, The Richardson Singers---Bella Allen, Texas Jim Robertson, George Petrie, Wally Russell)
(Here, "The Richardson Singers" replace The Vass Family)
76. unknown
77. THE HOUSE BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD 9-19-37 Sunday 1:30-2:00
(Parker Fennelly, Helen Claire, John Anthony, Helene Dumas, Artells Dixon, Jack McBride, The Richardson Singers)
78. unknown
79. ROCKING ALONE IN AN OLD ROCKING CHAIR 10-3-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Leslie Bingham, Ruth York, Geoffrey Bryant, Fred Irving Lewis, Ronald Lizt, The Richardson Singers)
80. THE MARTINS AND THE COYS 10-10-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, Bob Porterfield, Texas Jim Robertson, Robert Strauss, Geoffrey Bryant, Elise Stokes, Kathryn Allen, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
81. GIT ALONG LITTLE DOGIES 10-17-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Dick Kollmar, Helen Claire, Neil O'Malley, Artels Dixon, Texas Jim Robertson, The Richardson Singers)
82. LORD LOVELL 10-24-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Laverne Walker, Joe Curtain, Helen Claire, Dick Kollmar, John Griggs, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
82-a. LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE 10-31-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, Junius Matthews, Robert Strauss, Kathryn Allen, Jimmie Allen, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
83. AULD ROBIN GRAY 11-7-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, Parker Fennelly, Joe Curtain, Charlie Cantor, Irene Hubbard)
84. THE LOST CHORD 11-14-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(John Anthony, Dick Kollmar, Helen Claire, John Griggs, Fred Irving Lewis, Julien Noah, Jimmie Allen, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers--Bella Allen, Margaret and Travis Johnson)
85. THE MARY GOLDEN TREE 11-21-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Frank Provo, Helen Claire, Robert Strauss, Dick Kollmar, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
86. DEAR OLD GIRL 11-28-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Dick Kollmar, Norma Chaimers, Helen Claire, Fred Irving Lewis, John Anthony, Bob McGimsey, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
87. TAKE ME HOME 12-5-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, John Griggs, John Anthony, Dick Kollmar, Ruth York, Milton Herman, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
88. THREE-FOLD DESTINY 12-12-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, John Griggs, Peggy Allenby, Fred Irving Lewis, Dick Kollmar, Kathryn and Jimmie Allen, The Richardson Singers)
89. THOMPSON'S OLD GRAY MULE 12-19-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Juano Hernandez, Ethel Park Richardson, Helen Claire, John Griggs, Cristola Williams, The Richardson Singers)
90. LEGEND OF THE BELL 12-26-37 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(John Anthony, John Griggs, Joe Curtain, Frank Provo, Norma Chambers, Dick Kollmar, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
91. unknown
92. OLD UNCLE NED 1-9-38
(Juano Hernandez, Helen Claire, Frank Wilson, Cristola Willians, Frank Provo, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
93. unknown
94. MAUD MULLER 1-23-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Helen Claire, Dick Kollmar, Frank Provo, Fred Irving Lewis, Betty Little, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
95. SINFUL TO FLIRT 1-30-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Bob Porterfield, Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, Betty Council, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
96. HENRY CONQUEST'S CHILD 2-6-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Bob Porterfield, Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, Fred Irving Lewis, Betty Little, Ethel Park Richardson, Margaret Johnson, The Richardson Singers)
(based on an old poem set to music by Margaret Johnson)
97. unknown
98. HAMLET (Hillbilly version) 2-20-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, Robert Strauss, Julian Noa, Cecil Secrest, The Richardson Singers)
100. ON THE WILD NEW ENGLAND SHORE 3-6-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, John Brewster, The Richardson Singers)
101. MACBETH (Hillbilly version) 3-13-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Robert Strauss, Bob Porterfield, Dick Kollmar, Elsie Mae Gordon, Irene Hubbard, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
102. unknown
103. THE QUILTING PARTY 3-27-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Peggy Allenby, Dick Kollmar, Fred Irving Lewis, The Richardson Singers)
(Helen Claire, Irene Hubbard, Frank Provo, Bob Porterfield, Dick Kollmar, Margaret Johnson, Travis Johnson, Bella Allen)
104. THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (Hillbilly version) 410-38
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Bob Porterfield, Dick Kollmar, Charles Cantor, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
105. THE GREAT STONE FACE (An Easter Story) 4-17-38
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Jimmie Allen, George Gaul, Fred Irving Lewis, Dick Kollmar, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
106. unknown
107. JULIUS CAESAR (Hillbilly version) 5-1-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Agnes Moorehead, Ethel Park Richardson, Richardson Singers, Bob Porterfield, etc.)
108. MOTHERS OF MEN 5-8-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Leslie Bingham, Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Jackie Kelk, Joe Granby, Ruth York, The Richardson Singers)
109. YOUNG LOCHINVAR 5-14-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Robert Strauss, Bob Porterfield, Dick Kollmar, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
110. BIRTHDAY PARTY (5th ANNIVERSARY ON NBC) 5-22-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Ethel Park Richardson, Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Bob Porterfield, Irene Hubbard, Dick Kollmar, The Richardson Singers)(Excerpts from BLUE EYED ELLEN, CHARMIN' BILLY, WHEN YOU AND I WERE YOUNG MAGGIE, THE BIRD ON NELLIE'S HAT, and OLD DAN TUCKER.
111. ROMEO AND JULIET (Hillbilly version) 5-29-38
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Robert Strauss, Dick Kollmar, Bob Porterfield, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
(This would be used in August '39 on the "Rudy Vallee Show" and would be the basis of Ethel Park Richardson's A-LOVIN' AND A FEUDIN', a full-length play presented at the Pasadena Playhouse.)
112. unknown
113. KING ARTHUR (Hillbilly version) 6-12-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Bobby Strauss, Dick Kollmar, Ethel Park Richardson, the Richardson Singers)
114. BARBARA ALLEN 6-19-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, Robert Strauss, Ethel Park Richardson, Richardson Singers)
115. NATTY DAN 6-26-38
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Robert Strauss, Dick Kollmar, William Janney, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
116. THE TAMING OF THE SHREW (Hillbilly version) Sunday 6:30-7:00 p.m.
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Robert Strauss, Dick Kollmar, Betty Counsel, Cecil Secrest, The Richardson Singers)
117. THE WEEPING WILLOW 7-10-38 Sunday 6:30-7:00 p.m. THE BLUE NETWORK
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, Robert Strauss, Betty Counsel, Cecil Secrest, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
118. unknown
119. unknown
120. UPON MOUNT OLYMPUS (Hillbilly version) 8-14-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, Robert Strauss, Irene Hubbard, William Janney, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
121. KING ROBERT OF SICILY 8-21-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Frank Provo, John Brewster, John Anthony, Dick Kollmar, Robert Strauss, The Richardson Singers)
122. unknown
123. TWELFTH NIGHT (Hillbilly version) 9-4-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00
(Agnes Moorehead, Robert Strauss, Helen Claire, Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, John Brewster, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
124. THE HEIR OF LINNE 9-11-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Frank Provo, Dick Kollmar, Irene Hubbard, Robert Strauss, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
125. EVANGELINE 9-18-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Alice Rineheart, Frank Provo, Robert Strauss, Dick Kollmar, John Brewster, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
126. THE FOOLISH BOY 9-25-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Agnes Moorehead, Frank Provo, Robert Strauss, John Brewster, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
127. THE GREAT ADELANTADO 10-2-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Alice Rineheart, Frank Provo, Robert Strauss, John Brewster, Julian Noah, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
128. OTHELLO (Hillbilly version) 10-9-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Agnes Moorehead, Ethel Park Richardson, Robert Strauss, Frank Provo, The Richardson Singers)
129. THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME 10-16-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Juano Hernandez, Cristola Williams, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
130. THE FALCON OF SER FEDERIGO 10-23-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Frank Provo, Eleanor Phelps, Ronald List, John Brewster, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
131. HALLOWEEN PARTY 10-30-38 Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
(Agnes Moorehead, Jackie Kelk, Roslyn Rolston, John Milton, Frank Provo, Bob Porterfield, Irene Hubbard, Ethel Park Richardson, The Richardson Singers)
(The series appears to end here, abruptly, without any particular reason.)